Why does Spooner hate robots?
Spooner hates robots because he thinks all of the robots are bad/evil
Discuss the scene when Spooner thinks the robot has stolen the woman's purse. What does he assume? What are the consequences of his actions?
Spooner just assumed that the robot took the woman's purse because he saw a robot running down the street with a purse. As a consequence. The lady yelled at him instead of him instead of con grounding him, because it was a misunderstanding.
What bad happened to him in the past that brought on his hatred of robots?(Be specific)
The bad thing that happen to Spooner in the past that brought him on hatred of robots, is that Spooner, his wife and daughter got into a car accident and the car went into the water/lake. And an robot came to save them, but he robot only have time to come gave Spooner because he was closer to him. When the robot came back to save Spooners wife and daughter it was already to late, they were already died in the car under water.
Robots are given three specific rules/laws that they must follow. What are they?
Law I: A robot may not injure a human being or through inaction allow a human being to come to harm.
Law II: A robot must obey orders given. It by human beings excepts where such orders would conflict with the first law.
Law III: A robot must protect its won existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first or second law.
Describe Sonny. A lengthy discussion is had about what it means to be human. What does Sonny say? What are your thoughts?
The discussion that Sonny and Spooner was about how it means to be humans. Sonny says that his father was trying to teach him how to read human emotions, but Sonny said that human emotions are hard to read off of. Sonny also said in the discussion to Spooner that he sleeps at night and that he dreams about things in his sleep. Although Spooner says robots don't dream. The thoughts that i have thought this discussion between Sonny and Spooner is that, Sonny trying to say that he feels inside and how he fells but Spooner doesn't listen to Sonny not knowing if his telling the truth or not. In my option Spooner should of listened to Sonny and gave him a chance to talk.
Apply the following principles to the film by giving examples of each:
Humans are:
a.) persons created in the image and likeness of God - God is the one who creates people not other people creating other things.
b.) called to happiness and holiness - Spooner's grandmother still prays when something bad is happening
c.) rational and free - Humans have the free will but the robots don't have the free will
d.) moral beings - Spooner learned how to trust Sonny all through his a robot
e.) capable of passions and feelings - Robots learned how to feel and experience emotion, what they got through being with humans
f.) blessed with a conscience - Dr.Caldon was going to kill Sonny but she didn't she let him live because he meant a lot to her
g.) able to sin - When Dr. Lanning killed himself by jumping out of the building