Thursday, May 12, 2011

HEY! HEY! HEYYY!! Everyone here just listen up and listen to me! The things that piss me off a lot that you teenagers do everyday of your lives, you go to a party get drunk and piece all the guys there. The next day their shit going around the school with the things you did that night. Things that go around the school with the things you did to other guys or other girls like no one care personally I don’t really give a shit what you do. But the things that go around saying you got fingered and gave head. Its really disgusting hearing that a 14 or a 15 year old sucking dick. The things that really get to me that I think is sick when a girl this ages is getting fingered, got eaten out, run brains, gave hand, and felt up. Things like that should not been told to other people to make you seem like a whore. At school or going to the mall or somewhere seeing girls having theirs boobs out and their ass sticking out like honestly do you want to get laid or WHAT?! When you meet a guy and you start going out with them, they are mostly only in that relationship just for the things they heard about you, so they can get some of your treats you gave to other guys. When a guy says he loves you during a relationship at this age, the guys is lieing to you just to do stuff with you and his just using you, that is why teenagers this age should not be going out this time.

If you or anyone that you know is like that you should inform them that its wrong to do those things because its a wrong way to show people on how you really are then a whore or a slut. The ways to be safe and not to do wrong things is just go for a run or watch a movie to keep your mind off things then going to do slut things. The only ways to have sex or other sexually things is when you are married and how much you and the other person really love each other.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

In search of the Truth: " The Da Vinci Code and Roman Catholicism"

Did you enjoy the film?

I have watched the film "The Da Vinci Code" in my religion class, I enjoyed the film because it talks about Jesus and what we Christians say about him, and things that we don't believe about Jesus. The film explained things that we didn't know about Jesus or things that don't even exists about him. Thats why i enjoyed the film because it said true and false facts about Jesus that made the movie more interesting and make me to think more about Jesus.

Give an example of a part in the film that you had a significant reaction to (positive or negative). Describe it and your thoughts about the scene?

In the film "The Da Vinci Code" there were different kinds of significant positive and negative through out the film. The one example in the film that came to me is an positive, to me. The example is when Robert and Soplie went to Leighs home. Leigh tells them about how the picture the last super painted by Da Vinci beside Jesus theirs a women sitting beside him, who which is Mary Magdalene. And that Jesus and Mary Magdalene had a child. When Jesus was crucified Mary Magdalene escaped to France and gave birth to their daughter and, Mary Magdalene and her daughter stayed in France. During that scene, i thought to myself that maybe Jesus did have a child with Mary Magdalene anything could of happen. In the film when they showed the painting of the last super i did say to myself that that person beside Jesus is a women because of the features of that person siting beside him.

After you have watched the film, how do you feel about what you have seen or heard?

After watching the film "The Da Vinci Code" it made me think a bit more about the things that i know/heard about Jesus because know one really knowswhat was happing in Jesus time being on earth. It made me think what if Jesus did have a child with Mary Magdalene and was he truly in love with her to give up everything to get crucified for everyone to see that he is the son of God. Another thing that made me to think that is when in the film, when Mary Magdalene ran away from everyone to go to France. Was she ashamed that she was pregnant with Jesus daughter or would everyone wonder and talk about her behind her back saying she's a slut for being pregnant with Jesus "the son of God" when they weren't married. After i watched the film "The Da Vinci Code" i felt a bit different from the things that they talked about and they stuff that i have seen and heard in it. Because i haven't know what to believe in the film or not. But the Catholic facts that i know that i learn at school though my parents and grandparents, are the true facts about Jesus.

Do you think that any valid points have been made?

I think there was valid points that have made in the film "The Da Vinci Code". One valid point that i have took from the film is about the actual bloodline of the 'Holy Grail' because there isn't a cup that Jesus have drank from in the painting on the last supper and know one really knows where the cup really is.

In your opinion, is this a dissuasion worth having?

I believe that a discussion would be worth having about the film "The Da Vinci Code" in the class to see how other people thought about the film and their dislikes and likes about it. To see if anyone had the same options like yourself and its good to listen to other people and hear on what they have to say and it might change your option on things in the film.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pop Culture Identity

Can a child loose their identity by too much exposure to pop culture?

I don't believe that children can lose their identity by to much pop culture. The three main reasons why I think that I don't think children can lose their identity by to much pop culture it depends on what kind are then children they are, what they believe in and how their parents raised them as.

Children don't need t
o be addictive to things that other kids are going. Some children might not even like to play video game or even watch movies that are not for their them. If the child are 13 years old they wound go sneak in into a rated R (18+). That's when you know the child doesn't want to go watch thing that are not for them.

Some children don't believe in all these media things like movies
, movies, television, video games and etc things. Other whiles some kids only uses the media once in a while that they don't get addicted to them so they don't have an addiction onto them. When they read a book like Harry Potter they know its something that isn't true and they wont goaround trying to play witches and wizard or even trying to do some spells like in the books.

The parents of the children might not let their children play videos, go onto the computer for over an hour or two because they know the child would get addicted to it and wont stop to go outside and do something that they like. Parents would
ke to make their children go read a book that might help them into the future and getting good grades to make them go somewhere in life then just sitting there in front a TV scream playing the new cod game.

That's why i believe that pop culture doesn't need to kill children identity because it matters on what kind of children they are, what they believe in and how there parents raised them as. Everything doesn't need to change for the children mostly teenagers, it self it just matters on how it was raised when it was a child.

In your opinion does religion have the same kind of influence?

In my opinion i don't believe that religion has the same kind of influence because religion and pop culture are two different main things that need totally different things to loss its own identity. I cannot believe that someone can lose their identity on religion because its the what kind of person you are and what you believe in. Its what your parents raised you as, its how your grandparents raised your parents and all what they know they tell you to keep the type of religion that you and your family believe in. If someone would ever lose there identity on there religion that has been in there family for centuries the parents would somehow convince the person to come back onto there religion because it have been in the family for years and you cannot just leave it. Its a lot harder to lose the identify of your own religion than losing the identify of too much pop culture.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Totem Pole

ORIGINS: The Totem Pole was first started by the American First Nation Tribes that settled in the northwest part of Canada and what is now Alaska. Almost all of these tribes came here across the Bering Straight and are genetically related. In their culture the pole with its totems represents the various Spirits who are the protectors of the tribe and with whom the tribe has special relationships.That is why the totems differ per tribe. It is also why where was always at least One totem pole in every village, usually in whatever large gathering place they had. The Totem pole is the 'heart' of the tribe's ceremonies and rituals.

SIGNIFICANCE: The totem carvings tell a story, revealed only ifone knows the meaning assigned to various animals, fish, birds and designs and where they are placed on the pole. There were a number of reasons why a particular figure or design was chosen by a clan. The connection between the clan and the various figures carved into the pole may have been as a result a special gift from the animal, fish or bird spirits. Or, there may have been a recent encounter with that figure.Some clans claimed to be descended from certain totem figures.

USED IN CULTURE: Many indigenous cultures felt that different animals had different powers and abilities as well as had different medicine that they could offer to humans. They were very much respected and most cultures felt that they were also messengers from the Great Spirit or the Great Mystery. Some cultures worshiped certain animals and some just accepted them as equals. The totem pole was a reflection of their beliefs and some could tell a story or legend of how that particular tribe was helped by different animals. They could be arranged in such a way on the particular totem pole as a reflection of their power and or level of medicine with the more powerful one at the top. Some cultures felt as well that some animals could act as spirit guides that could offer them guidance throughout their lives .In order to make a connection to your particular "Spirit Animal" or spirit guide , one would spend a period of time out in nature alone for up to four days. This was referred to as a "Vision Quest" and your particular spirit animal would be revealed to you either in a vision or literally. This was presided over by the Shaman or Holy man of the tribe. They would keep a close eye on you and offer an interpretation of your experience when it was completed and depending on which animal you encountered they would interpret what that meant to you and what bearing it had on your life.


Thursday, February 10, 2011


The movie is set in chicago in 2035, where robots help humans with their everyday tasks, looking after their children, doing their housework and running their errands. In this futuristic world, where every other person has a robot helper, Detective Del Spooner (Will Smith) plays an anti-technology cop, who loathes robots, goes with his emotions and prefers old time things.

Why does Spooner hate robots?
Spooner hates robots because he thinks all of the robots are bad/evil

Discuss the scene when Spooner thinks the robot has stolen the woman's purse. What does he assume? What are the consequences of his actions?
Spooner just assumed that the robot took the woman's purse because he saw a robot running down the street with a purse. As a consequence. The lady yelled at him instead of him instead of con grounding him, because it was a misunderstanding.

What bad happened to him in the past that brought on his hatred of robots?(Be specific)
The bad thing that happen to Spooner in the past that brought him on hatred of robots, is that Spooner, his wife and daughter got into a car accident and the car went into the water/lake. And an robot came to save them, but he robot only have time to come gave Spooner because he was closer to him. When the robot came back to save Spooners wife and daughter it was already to late, they were already died in the car under water.

Robots are given three specific rules/laws that they must follow. What are they?
Law I: A robot may not injure a human being or through inaction allow a human being to come to harm.
Law II: A robot must obey orders given. It by human beings excepts where such orders would conflict with the first law.
Law III: A robot must protect its won existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first or second law.

Describe Sonny. A lengthy discussion is had about what it means to be human. What does Sonny say? What are your thoughts?
The discussion that Sonny and Spooner was about how it means to be humans. Sonny says that his father was trying to teach him how to read human emotions, but Sonny said that human emotions are hard to read off of. Sonny also said in the discussion to Spooner that he sleeps at night and that he dreams about things in his sleep. Although Spooner says robots don't dream. The thoughts that i have thought this discussion between Sonny and Spooner is that, Sonny trying to say that he feels inside and how he fells but Spooner doesn't listen to Sonny not knowing if his telling the truth or not. In my option Spooner should of listened to Sonny and gave him a chance to talk.

Apply the following principles to the film by giving examples of each:
Humans are:
a.) persons created in the image and likeness of God - God is the one who creates people not other people creating other things.
b.) called to happiness and holiness - Spooner's grandmother still prays when something bad is happening
c.) rational and free - Humans have the free will but the robots don't have the free will
d.) moral beings - Spooner learned how to trust Sonny all through his a robot
e.) capable of passions and feelings - Robots learned how to feel and experience emotion, what they got through being with humans
f.) blessed with a conscience - Dr.Caldon was going to kill Sonny but she didn't she let him live because he meant a lot to her
g.) able to sin - When Dr. Lanning killed himself by jumping out of the building

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Learning Profile

To my "Multiple Intelligence Self Profile," I am the type of person that has these types of learning style qualities are; Mathematical (Number/Reasoning Smart), Spatial (Picture Smart), and Linguistic (Word Smart).

Mathematical (Number/Reasoning Smart);
The learning style called mathematical - logical intelligence, are for the people that have this type of intelligence can think things through to be a logical conclusion, that can solve problems. Mathematical includes not only skill with numbers and mathematical concepts, but also an analyzing situations and information to reach sound conclusions.

Things that I like to do for this intelligence are;

  • I like to solve math problem.
  • I enjoying coming to math class, to find some hard problems to solve.
  • I also have a high levels of mathematical intelligence.

Spatial (Picture Smart); The learning style called spatial intelligence, are for the people with the ability to think in three dimensions. People can mental imagery, spatial reasoning, graphic and artistic skills and active imagination. People with spatial maybe great with playing mazes, or spending free time drawing or daydream.

Things that I like to do for this intelligence are;

  • I often like to draw on my free time when I am home alone.
  • I also tend to "space out" during class and think about other things.
  • I am very good with my hands and i like to picture the things in front of me instead of on paper.

Linguistic (Word Smart); The learning style called, linguistic intelligence, are for the people that have this type of intelligence that think in words and uses language to express there meanings. People usually understand the order and meaning of words that come to them. The linguistic intelligence is used everywhere and everyone. People just this type of intelligence all the time, though out the day of their lives.

Things that i like to do for this intelligence are;

  • I tend to read a lot of books my favorite series of books were the whole set of Harry Potter I thought it was the most wonderful sets of books.
  • Before i go to bed i take a half an hour till an hour to lay down on my bed and read to make my writing skills great.

2. Some of my academic strengths are the following two subjects are Math and English. Math is one of the subjects that most people have trouble with, but I enjoy it a lot. I get into the problem and I like to solve them myself because I don’t like when someone comes and dose it for me because I won’t know what’s going on. English is another subject that I loved going to everyday. I like to write stories about things that might happen to anyone in the world, I also like to write poems in English about love or death it makes me express how I really feel about things that have been going around in my life. Some areas that I need to improve in is Science; Chemistry, Physics, and Biology. It’s not that I am bad in the class; it’s that I would like to improve the marks I have for it. And possibly enjoy the subject(s).

3. An unique thing that I can say about myself is that I am polish and it’s something that I learned a lot with it by speaking it with my parents and to my polish friends that I adore with my life. Being polish is a huge picture of who I am as a learner because, I feel most comfortable with polish people and I don’t have to be embarrassed if I do something wrong because we call each other family. I learn more when I am around people that know how I learn because they because they can use my learning styles to help me study, and to teach me something that I don’t know how to do.